
Kelvin Tan

Kelvin's app development philosophy centers on prioritizing user experience at every turn. With extensive involvement in numerous end-to-end journey discussions, he's adept at tackling complex issues and crafting solutions that not only address user feedback but also maintain an unwavering commitment to code quality. A staunch advocate for maintainability, scalability, testability, and code readability, Kelvin has dedicated substantial time to researching and experimenting with various best practices and architecture patterns. Beyond technical prowess, Kelvin places a strong emphasis on honing his soft skills, demonstrating a relentless pursuit of personal growth and responsibility. His dedication to the products he builds is unwavering, regardless of whether it's explicitly required. With over 5 years of mobile development experience under his belt, Kelvin aspires to elevate his creations to world-class status by incorporating industry-leading techniques and best practices.


Bo - Learn Thai

Inspired by my marriage to a Thai woman and my desire to deeply understand Thai culture, I created Bo: Learn Thai—an app that not only simplifies learning the language with authentic pronunciation and extensive vocabulary but also immerses users in Thai culture, including its rich culinary heritage, making communication and cultural appreciation seamless and enjoyable.

Bo - Learn Thai

Odin - Financial Assistant

Introducing Odin—Your Financial Assistant, crafted to streamline financial management by providing clear visuals and insights that empower you to make smarter decisions about loans and savings. Driven by my desire for a more intuitive understanding of financial planning, I developed this app to visually represent financial data, enabling more informed and confident choices.

Odin - Financial Assistant


Introducing QuikApp, designed to simplify messaging on WhatsApp by allowing you to connect with anyone without the hassle of adding them to your contacts. QuikApp enhances your experience with seamless communication and personalized QR codes, making it effortless for others to reach out to you—whether for business, personal connections, or sharing your details.


Malaysia Pocket

Introducing Malaysia Pocket, your ultimate daily companion that keeps you informed, safe, and empowered with instant access to emergency services, essential rights information, practical guides for everyday challenges, and easy reporting of incidents, all designed to help you navigate life’s situations with confidence and ease.

Malaysia Pocket

LDS Quote - Spiritual Quotes

Introducing LDS Quote, your personal treasury of inspiration that offers a vast collection of uplifting quotes from Latter-day Saint leaders and scriptures, meticulously sourced for authenticity and reliability. Whether you need motivation for a talk, a lesson, or a daily boost, LDS Quote provides a user-friendly experience to search, save, and share profound messages, with new quotes added regularly to keep you spiritually guided and encouraged.

LDS Quote

LDS Priesthood

Introducing LDS Priesthood, a comprehensive resource designed to enhance your understanding of the priesthood with detailed information and ordinances available in multiple languages. Whether you’re new to the concept or seeking to deepen your knowledge, this app supports both educational needs and ongoing progression, serving as a valuable tool for learning and reminders.

LDS Priesthood

LDS Conferences

Introducing LDS Conferences, the app that elevates your General Conference experience with features like on-the-go viewing, detailed session summaries, updates on newly announced temples, uplifting conference music, world reports, and live broadcasts. Challenge yourself with conference talks, explore a rich archive of addresses dating back to the 19th century, and stay excited with a countdown to the next conference.

LDS Conferences